J.K Rowling knows it the best .

It’s everything you might need to see to have a warm evening or a great day . Just a small tear , and it will cause you nothing more , other than heartfelt gratitude and adulation for a person as amazing as Joanne .

Must read.



” What has to come , will come , and we will have to face it when it does”

                                                                          – Hagrid , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Is the ‘inevitable’ aspect of life a really fair bidding ? Not for me , atleast . Why does something happen because it has to happen and not because it happened as something else didn’t happen and if the other thing would have happened it would have been a completely normal happening as well ? , Wait , WHAT ?

There had been times , mostly recent ones , when I could find myself eagerly wishing for an escape from the reality and to land up somewhere where everything could be ‘fantastical’ , even if not ‘fantastic’. Yeah , you don’t always need to stay happy , after all , a chance to explore every single kind of emotion would be quite a good thing to do , although , none of them should sustain themselves longer than is necessary . Which arse would actually aim for ‘eternal glory’ without a bit of slime on his reputation ? I strongly feel , it’s no fun having it entirely the perfect way . In fact , who the heck are we to decide or gauge the standards of perfection ? You know you are unique and you have surely got a perspective of your own , but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’d butt into every darn occasion to put forth a fine display of your value and moral fiber ! Take it as it comes ! Do not give away to anticipation , do not long for anything to happen sooner or later , whether you are prepared or unprepared for it all the same . May the only force that must keep you going be your imagination , imagine the best , imagine the worst , and make yourselves steady enough to keep the floodgates of ideas open when you actually have to face the good and the bad phase of the reality . There is exactly no point of writing this entire thing , it is not even supposed to mean anything . Or maybe it does mean something . I don’t know , but it  does clearly prove one thing , an addled mind Is much more fun to work with .

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They give such romantic descriptions of India’s countryside (The lush beauty ,the serenades of the working women,etc,etc) . Descriptions which leave an indelible impression on our brains,nonetheless,the reality is too far from being “beautiful”. The tranquility of the scenic beauty usually overpowers the chronic disability rendered by poverty and alienation.

A photographer turns his camera towards the ripe grains to get a good shot of the greenery.That is when he finds a mother working with her sickle and her two children playing around her. The children are naked. They goof around with broad smiles on their faces.The photographer catches the glimpse of the pleasant scene and feels contented with his photography.

But he did go wrong somewhere. But where? He overlooked the pale face which adorned the smile.He overlooked the frantical laughter which only came over to cover up for their hunger,the children are naked probably because they don’t have any cloth.They must have been starving for two days.Their mother seemed all engrossed in her work,because she knew she had to be fast enough to feed her starving children.But then why did she bring her children along to her workplace? Maybe she is scared.Scared of the social monsters who could raid their little hut at any moment. She has a daughter, and she knows she is not safe.Their social standing might bar them from every other privilege and they might be considered as “untouchables” but they would be exempted from this tag when Men go high on their desires.

But what about their schooling ? DON’T KID,PLEASE !

Funny society, huh ?

But the photograph still seems so pleasant, maybe because its the freshness of their bond,the exuberance of their togetherness that helps them fight every darn storm and then begin a new day with the disheveled pieces. It’s the hope and the affection that propel them to smile on even though it hurts,and it hurts a lot.

Why don’t we try to see through their smiles ?

Oh but then again,it’s election time . Time for fake promises , right ?

So what does Ms.Science have to say about this ?

Technology needs to push its boundary.

Its about the line of demarcation between growth and development .

They must be educated enough to channelise their growth in the right direction to pave way for their development.

To Mr.Politician , Idea aa gaya hain , so no more “ullu banaoing” .

Wake Up . This election season. Fight for your rights. The wind of change will now blow  your way .

             Please vote . Kyunki abki baar SIRF AAPKI sarkaar.

Intellect comes with interest

I am a 16 year old and I am in LOVE . FUCK THE SHIT,MAHN !    


This site is here to include every darn thing that people with unrecognized-yet-extraordinary intellect would find extremely ‘ grey-cells’ excitement inducing’. This site is NOT about shitty love-stories with happy endings.We are here to render edgy endings to all the more normal life incidents which might seem very commonplace but possess a flavour of change as here we find our protagonists being the so-called “geeks” , who can manipulate every single mishap into a significant scientific event. Every explanation will be accompanied with comprehensive diagrams and it will be even more fun to explore into the world where the ‘dead meets the living”,”science meets arts” and “imaginations meet reality.”

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Render a possibility , render a change . Think and find out WHAT LAY BEHIND THE COLD MASK !